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[iSSF 2020] “Sincerity is More Important in a Contactless World...COVID-19 is an Opportunity for the Top Content Creators”


Thursday, September 03, 2020, 09:09:00

Interview with Jiwon JUNG, Representative of Doll Atelier... She has written books and given lectures as a handmade doll artist
Entered the Online Hobby Platform After COVID-19 Outbreak... Sales have grown and her lecture was selected as the best lecture
“I try to communicate with sincerity in a non-face-to-face environment... It is my dream to be a guide that makes people happy


By Jinsol Lee | “Untact” is a new, unfamiliar word that appeared with the new COVID-19. “Un” was added to the word “tact”, derived from “contact”, to signify a contactless environment.


People who are trying to turn lemons into lemonade during this COVID-19 pandemic have created new words such as “ontact” or “intact (interactive intact)” and marketing them accordingly. It’s not uncommon for everything from concerts to school lectures to take place online through some type of platform.


The fact that we must recognize is that a crisis or disaster for the vast majority may become an opportunity for a select few. While many people are turning toward contactless services, most of them still haven’t found a clear solution, but there are still instances where even these people have found some fix.


Representative Jiwon JUNG runs “Doll Atelier” in Cheongdam-dong and she creates dolls and doll clothes. She introduces herself as a dressed doll artist as she crafts everything involving the dolls and their clothes from beginning to end, from hand-selecting materials and subsidiary materials. She’s already written two books and has become quite a household name in the field.


Making “dolls” and handling all the processes by hand seems far from the contactless services. However, Jung used this as an opportunity to drastically increase sales by working with online hobby platforms after the outbreak of COVID-19.


Jung, who is the second speaker at the “2nd iNdividual Survival Strategy Forum 2020: How to Survive In The Post-Coronavirus Era?” that will be hosted by iN THE NEWS on September 2, told me her secret to successfully adapting to the contactless era.



How did you get to participate in the online hobby platform?


Last year, I had received a proposal from a company that runs an online hobby class platform asking if I would like to work with them. Nobody had anticipated COVID-19 at the time, and I had been holding my online classes for the past several years, and I didn’t see the benefit of the profit distribution conditions, so I had initially overlooked their proposal without responding.


However, there was a drastic growth in the online hobby platform as COVID-19 struck earlier this year, and when a few famous influencers that I know participated, I decided to join as well. The revenue was much higher than I had expected.


Is there a difference between how you give online lectures and offline lectures?


It’s the same. There’s no difference in terms of the curriculum or the depth of the knowledge that is delivered. And I think this is my duty to make no difference. I believe that I have to be consistent in my manners, no matter how people look for me and choose me.


People these days are more sensitive to information and they’ve become smarter. There’s no way you can deceive them. If I try to trick them and try to make the lessons different to make more money or for other reasons, then bad reviews and negative rumors are sure to start circulating.


There is one difference, which is that online tuition is significantly more affordable than offline classes. The online class system makes it possible for me to communicate with a lot more students than I ever thought was possible, so even if the class tuition is cheaper per student, it’s much more efficient in terms of overall profit.


Was there any aspect of online lectures that you put more focus on?


In a contactless environment, something that becomes even more important is showing your sincerity. One day, I received a message on Instagram from someone who lives in Guatemala. They said “Your work is not only beautiful, but it’s full of passion,” and said that they wanted to learn how to make doll clothes.


Even though I wasn’t able to meet them in person, I did my best to introduce them to all the information they would need to create their doll clothes. Starting from next year, the online hobby platform is planning to be released internationally, so that person will finally be able to take my classes. I try my best to be more sincere when communicating in a contactless environment. Since it’s hard to meet in person, I think that sincerity has become more important.


You said that sincerity will become more and more important going forward in this post-COVID-19 world. Do you have any other examples where you realized the importance of sincerity as you created doll clothes?


Some of my housewife students in their 50s and 60s told me that their new life began as they learned to make doll clothes. There are lots of housewives in that age who experience depression and low self-esteem when they’re kids are all grown up, and they have more time on their hands.


But once they learn how to create dolls and become trained, they start giving their lectures, go to exhibitions, and even get invited as artists. They become more confident and can hold their head up high again. This is very rare for most people who spend their spare time on a time-consuming hobby. They also told me that life has become more exciting.


I want to guide people into living happy and healthy lives through the knowledge that I have. I also want to foster more doll artists like me.


In this contactless era after the COVID-19 outbreak, I think sincerity that can be conveyed through content has become so much more important. If you can show your sincerity through your content, then I believe that this is an opportunity for you.



As the IT demand increased due to COVID-19․ it seems like there is growing interest in classic hobbies such as handmade doll clothes. Why do you think people are interested in designing doll clothes in this kind of era?


It’s time for us human beings to be happy. Even though life has become more convenient thanks to technology and systematic advancements, people have lost their jobs and the economy has grown stagnant, yet our lifespan has increased. The number of people who want to console the emptiness in their hearts by reminding the analog vibe and childhood memories has grown.


Handmade dolls or doll clothes are classic items. However, I continue to work on making these classic items widely known using state-of-the-art technology to meet people’s needs. We live in an era


where everybody has a social media account. And as we’ve entered an era where the concept of non-face-to-face has become nothing new, we’ve become even more addicted to our smartphones.


I believe these classic dolls and doll clothes are enough to attract them and pull their gaze away from their smartphones.


What kind of changes have you experienced after the outbreak of COVID-19?


First of all, we have to wear a mask everywhere now, and since my 10th-grade daughter and 6th-grade son are not going to school every day, I have to do my job and run a household at the same time. It’s difficult to focus on work and it’s also hard to do housework properly, so I feel like I’m living on the border of work and personal life.


Also, the students that used to fill up my laboratory (Doll Atelier handmade doll laboratory) every week are no longer able to come. The lab was once a bustling place, but now it has been operating as my own space for several months, as there are no other visitors than me.


There have been inevitable changes in our personal lives and society ever since the COVID-19 outbreak began. What do you think is the biggest change?


The biggest change is that non-contact activities have become common in our society. Communities have become physically scattered and countless things that you have to do in person are now having to be completed through contactless means. These inconveniences are now a part of our daily lives.


We have to become quickly accustomed to living in a way where things can be done without having to meet in person. I think it is our priority to choose the online infrastructure and channels in a way and format that suit us. This is because the need to build and adapt to a way of life that transcends time and physical distance, has emerged much sooner than we expected.


In the aftermath of the COVID-19,․ the way of activity is rapidly changing to non-face-to-face across the socio-economic sector. How far do you think we’ve come?


From my point of view, my stereotypical belief had been abolished after realizing that we, human beings, can do what we have done face-to-face without meeting each other now. Non-face-to-face methods are popular in the way we have weddings, funerals, and other major life events, and we send our children to school every other week or once a week. These are all unprecedented, and it’s probably hard for everyone to accept.


People are saying South Korea is greatly handling the COVID-19 pandemic. What do you think we did well and what do you think we needed to improve on?


Korea is a medically advanced country and the government is very wise, prompt, and flexible with respect to handling this crisis, and I take pride in that. Compared to some of the world powers or Western nations that we think of as advanced countries, South Korea has proven that we have world-class knowledge and skills in terms of brilliant management and response for COVID-19.


However, it’s unfortunate that the traditional college entrance exams are being prioritized over our children’s lives and safety. It is not necessary to enter college at the age of twenty. Nevertheless, when I look at the Ministry of Education and related administrators who are so fixated on those traditional customs related to entrance exams, I always feel pathetic.


We will overcome COVID-19 someday and even if another crisis comes our way, we will be able to overcome again with the help of advanced technology. No matter what kind of disaster comes our way, I want to develop myself and my field, and I will continue to work with passion and diligence while always being alert and awake. If I can do it, I know that everyone else can as well. I truly hope that we can all take heart and become happy.


Jiwon JUNG,․ Representative of Doll Atelier


◇ Profile


Born in 1973
Bachelor’s Degree in Korean Language and Literature from Sungkyunkwan University
(Present) Chairman of the Independent Division of Dress Dolls of the Korea Handicraft Association
(Present) Class 101 Creator
(Present) Representative of Doll Atelier
Author of “Doll Clothes Made by Hand Sewing and Knitting” Author of “Doll Atelier’s Antique Baby Doll Clothes”
Edited “Obitsu11 Girl Doll Clothes Sewing Pattern Textbook” Reporter


English(中文·日本語) news is the result of applying Google Translate. <iN THE NEWS> is not responsible for the content of English(中文·日本語) news.


이진솔 기자 jinsol@inthenews.co.kr


3년 만에 돌아온 영희…유통가 ‘오징어 게임2’ 기대감 활짝

3년 만에 돌아온 영희…유통가 ‘오징어 게임2’ 기대감 활짝

2024.12.25 09:21:41

인더뉴스 장승윤 기자ㅣ넷플릭스가 오는 26일 올해의 기대작으로 꼽히는 '오징어 게임 시즌2'를 전 세계 동시 공개합니다. 오징어 게임은 한국 전통놀이라는 이색적인 소재와 참신한 스토리로 넷플릭스 역대 최고 시청 시간을 갈아치운 드라마입니다. 시즌2는 공개 전부터 미국 골든글로브 최우수 TV 드라마상 후보로 지명되며 해외에서 주목을 받고 있습니다. 국내에서는 '영희' 조형물이 곳곳에 조성되는 가운데 유통업계는 오징어 게임 지적재산권(IP)을 활용해 다양한 신제품을 출시하고 있습니다. 고물가에 따른 소비 부진에 최근 탄핵 정국까지 겹치며 어수선한 연말을 맞이하고 있는 유통업계가 오징어 게임과의 협업으로 침체된 분위기를 전환시킬 수 있을지 기대가 모입니다. 25일 업계에 따르면 신세계백화점은 강남점에서 다음달 12일까지 센트럴시티 1층 ‘오픈 스테이지’에 오징어 게임 세트장을 옮겨 놓은 듯한 공간에서 체험형 팝업을 펼칩니다. 초록색 트레이닝복을 빌려 합숙소 철제 침대에서 인증샷을 찍을 수 있습니다. 신세계는 국내 백화점 중 유일하게 넷플릭스와 파트너십을 맺었습니다. 18개 협업 브랜드와 오징어 게임을 활용해 개발한 300개 품목의 굿즈도 본점 등 전국 5개 점포에서 판매합니다. 팝 아티스트 카우스와의 컬래버레이션도 선보입니다. 카우스X오징어 게임 한정판 티셔츠와 후드티, 맨투맨 등을 신세계 단독 상품으로 준비했습니다. 신세계 앱에서는 카우스가 제작한 ‘영희’ 한정판 아트토이 구매 기회를 주는 뽑기 이벤트도 진행합니다. 또 앱에서 1월 5일까지 오징어 게임의 상징인 도형 ○△□를 활용해 총 상금 신백리워드 4560만R을 나눠 갖는 모바일 게임을 전개합니다. 전국 점포에서 핑크색 방호복을 입은 게임 운영 요원 '핑크가드'들이 출몰해 신세계 앱에 초대하는 초대권을 나눠줄 예정입니다. 1월에는 전국 13개 전 점포에서 '4.56초를 맞춰라' 오프라인 이벤트가 열립니다. 하이트진로는 '참이슬 오징어 게임 에디션'을 출시했습니다. 영희, 핑크가드, 프론트맨 캐릭터와 참이슬의 이슬방울을 조합한 라벨을 적용했습니다. 참이슬 로고의 'ㅁ,ㅇ,ㅅ'에만 오징어 게임 대표 색상인 핑크 색상을 입혀 핑크가드의 등급을 상징하는 원형, 삼각형, 사각형을 표현해 디자인적인 재미를 더했습니다. 오징어 게임 캐릭터를 활용한 굿즈 4종도 출시됩니다. 대표 게임 '무궁화꽃이 피었습니다'를 착안해 만든 '영희 게임기'는 버튼을 누르면 영희의 머리가 회전하며 영희가 바라보는 방향에 있는 사람이 술을 마시는 방식의 술자리 게임기입니다. 핑크가드 두꺼비는 원형, 삼각형, 사각형으로 등급에 맞게 제작됐습니다. CJ제일제당은 한국, 미국, 유럽, 호주, 일본 등 14개국에서 비비고·오징어 게임2 글로벌 캠페인을 진행합니다. 오징어 게임2 콜라보 제품은 K-스트리트 푸드와 만두, 김치, 김스낵 등 비비고의 핵심 전략 상품을 중심으로 캐릭터를 활용한 한정판 패키지로 출시합니다. 비비고 통오징어만두(한국), 비비고 무말랭이 오징어 김치(태국) 등 오징어를 활용한 신제품도 국내외에서 선보입니다. 아울러 비비고·오징어 게임2 캠페인의 키 메시지 'Play Hard & Live Delicious'를 담은 캠페인 영상도 공개합니다. 오프라인 매장에 캠페인 특별 매대를 마련하고 굿즈 이벤트 등 다양한 온·오프라인 소비자 프로모션도 진행합니다. 한국 등 일부 국가에서는 팝업스토어를 운영할 계획입니다. 오뚜기는 오징어 게임2와 협업해 '뿌셔뿌셔 버터구이오징어맛'과 '열 뿌셔뿌셔 화끈한 매운맛’ 2종을 출시했습니다. ‘뿌셔뿌셔 2종’은 OTT(온라인동영상서비스)와 함께 스낵을 즐기는 소비자를 겨냥한 안주 제품입니다. ‘뿌셔뿌셔 버터구이오징어맛’은 영화관의 인기 메뉴 버터구이오징어 특유의 맛을 강조했습니다. 신제품 2종 패키지에는 오뚜기 공식 캐릭터 옐로우즈에 오징어 게임을 더한 디자인을 선보였습니다. 떼었다 붙였다 할 수 있는 '뿌셔뿌셔 X 오징어 게임 씰스티커' 총 30종을 무작위로 동봉해 모으는 재미를 더했습니다. 신제품은 오뚜기몰과 대형마트, GS25 등 온·오프라인 판매처에서 구매할 수 있으며 씰스티커는 올해 연말까지 동봉해 한정 판매합니다. 편의점 중에는 GS25가 오징어 게임 협업 상품을 선보입니다. GS리테일은 넷플릭스 공식 IP 파트너사로 현재 달고나라떼, 랜덤달고나, 에너지멜론, 에너지오렌지패션후르츠, 오징어게임 교통카드 등을 판매하고 있습니다. 간편식, 디저트, 굿즈 등 순차적으로 출시를 앞두고 있으며 약 40종에 달하는 넷플릭스 협업 오징어게임 상품을 운영할 계획입니다. 서울시는 2024서울윈터페스타 축제를 앞두고 광화문 광장에 영희 대형 모형을 설치했습니다. 서울시는 애초 오징어 게임2와 협업해 대규모 퍼레이드를 진행할 예정이었으나 탄핵 정국 등 불안정한 국내 상황을 고려해 개막식과 퍼레이드는 취소하기로 했습니다. 나머지 행사는 예정대로 진행된다는 설명입니다. 윈터페스타는 '무궁화 꽃이 피었습니다', '줄다리기', '달고나 뽑기' 등 드라마 속 게임들을 체험할 수 있는 공간이 마련됩니다. 거대한 인형이 있는 운동장, 알록달록한 계단 미로 등 드라마 속 상징적인 장소들도 재현했습니다. 이외에도 전통 놀이 체험, 오징어게임을 테마로 한 야간 조명 축제 등이 예정돼 있습니다. CJ올리브영은 자체 브랜드를 통해 오징어 게임 컬래버 에디션을 출시합니다. 비건 자연주의 브랜드 '브링그린'의 컬래버 에디션은 드라마 속 '무궁화 꽃이 피었습니다' 놀이에서 영감을 받았습니다. 영희가 트러블을 포착한 순간 완벽하게 조준해 제거한다는 콘셉트로 기획했습니다. ‘달고나 립밥’은 설탕을 함유해 입술 케어와 달고나 놀이 체험을 할 수 있습니다. 메이크업 전문 브랜드 '웨이크메이크'도 에디션에 인기 캐릭터 영희를 적극 활용했습니다. 영희의 동심을 닮은 핑크, 게임 속의 색감을 표현한 블러디 로즈를 담아낸 '소프트 아이 팔레트', 영희의 입술을 모티브로 한 '듀이 젤 글레이즈 스틱'과 '쉬어 블러링 매트 스틱', '철벽 펜 아이라이너' 등입니다. 컬래버 에디션은 한국, 미국, 일본 등을 포함한 9개국에 동시 출시합니다. 올리브영 관계자는 "매력적인 K뷰티 브랜드와 K콘텐츠의 대표주자가 만나 글로벌 시장에 K뷰티의 경쟁력을 알릴 수 있도록 이번 컬래버를 기획했다"며 "앞으로도 다양한 글로벌 콘텐츠와의 협업을 통해 전 세계 고객에게 다채롭고 차별화된 K뷰티 경험을 제공하기 위해 노력할 것"이라고 말했습니다.

